
Tread softly, because you tread on my dreams. - Yeats

UPDATED: Tong Yao Film & TV guide 18th Dec 2024 / Sun Li Film & TV guide 13th May 2024

Saturday, February 11, 2023

Update: Chinese Drama 微暗之火 Gone with the Wind

#TongYao #童瑶 #微暗之火 #GoneWithTheWind #ZhangXincheng #张新成 ​​​#cdrama #PaleFire

Good news for fans of Tong Yao and Zhang Xincheng.  Today, we finally got more news about the series that they worked on together.  This bodes well because it also means that the series is likely to be released sometime this year and quite possibly in the first half of the year.

The production team for the series set up an official Weibo account this morning; here is the link. We also finally have an official English title.  Previously, the title was translated directly by cdrama viewers and it was known unofficially as Pale Fire.  The new official title is Gone with the Wind

While official news of the series is still scarce, the first post on the official Weibo account is a link to a post on Glass magazine's Weibo account which features a tease to an article and photo-shoot featuring both Tong Yao and Zhang Xincheng (click me).  This means that more information will be released very soon

I'm still pretty busy with other stuff but was super excited to see this news so I had to write about it.  I'll update my Tong Yao fan page in a bit too. (updated)

Amend - there is also a short behind-the-scenes video for the photo-shoot posted on Youku's Weibo account. Click me to read the post about it.

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