
Tread softly, because you tread on my dreams. - Yeats

UPDATED: Tong Yao Film & TV guide 18th Dec 2024 / Sun Li Film & TV guide 13th May 2024

Friday, September 12, 2014

Anime Festival Asia 2014 (Singapore) ~ first phase of artistes announce today (updated)

Oh.... I almost forgot about this. :P  They're going fancy this year and doing the announce via a live stream on youtube. :)

The stream isn't live yet but you can gaze at the countdown clock if you like. :D

This year's festival will be the biggest yet, I think.  They booked up the whole fourth floor at the convention centre at Suntec and if I'm not wrong, it'll be 3 full days. :)  I actually already applied for leave on Friday already so I'll most likely be going on Friday and Saturday.  Am still not sure if I'll go on Sunday.

The announcements will begin at 7pm.  Check it out if you guys have the time.  You can click on that YouTube window below  Unfortunately, I will be on the move at 7pm so I'll only be checking twitter and FB etc. :(

I have my fingers crossed for Kajiura Yuki / FictionJunction and Kalafina of course.  And I would love it too if angela returns again. :)

Lunch is over... back to work... :'(

EDIT 13th Sept 2014, 1247am

I'm back home now and resting... so tired but I have already watched the video and I know who'll be at this year's AFA. :)  So it's not a live stream as I thought, it's a video clip that they scheduled to only be made public at 7pm last night.  Still, it's a pretty cool way to make the announce for an anisong event. :)  You get to hear the performers as you find out who'll be coming.

Unfortunately for me, no Kajiura Yuki / FictionJunction and no Kalafina in this first wave of names. But I'm not really that surprised.  I never expect them to come.  Kajiura Yuki and FictionJunction have never come to Singapore and Kalafina's only been to AFA Singapore once.  So it's not like they are regular features in AFA.  So I will always hope but I don't expect anything.  There is still the next wave of announcements and as usual, I will hope but not expect anything. :P

I'm really not sure if I'll go for anisong this year.  Unless they add more people I really want to watch, The only one I quite like is Flow but even then, I don't consider myself a fan.  I only really like the Railgun songs from fripSide.  I'm curious to see Eir Aoi live and while I'm not a big fan of LiSA's music, I do think she's very entertaining live.

Still.... I may skip anisong this year.  Don't get me wrong, I think this is a pretty good list of artistes but while I listen widely and am accepting of a lot of genres of music, I'm only really a fan of a handful of artistes.  And the biggest reasons why I may skip anisong this year is because I'll be going to Japan next year.  I'm hoping to go twice, so I'll really need to think about putting away some real money if I am to achieve that.

Anyway, I think it isn't a bad list.  So if you are in town and you can afford it and especially if you've never been to an anisong live, I think you should get  ticket and experience it at least one. Meanwhile, I'll talk to my concert going buddies and if everyone wants to go, I may too.... we'll see. :)

For now... I am off to bed... I am exhausted... this has been a v busy week.... it's been another good week at work but I'm really tired and I was taking twice the time to do my work today... that's really not good... I think I really need to sleep... rambling now... .... ... good night. :P

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