
Tread softly, because you tread on my dreams. - Yeats

UPDATED: Tong Yao Film & TV guide 12th May 2024 / Sun Li Film & TV guide 13th May 2024

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Taste from the past.

Today is a public holiday in Singapore so after we played table tennis, we decided  to have lunch at Bakerzin, one of my favourite hangout places in Singapore.

Bakerzin launched their new menu just a few weeks ago and there were several dishes i wanted to try. One of the new dishes was this thing called the Seafood Puff.

The Seafood Puff consist of a soft pastry with several different types of seafood like squid, mussels, prawns mixed with mushrooms cooked in a rich creamy white sauce.  The dish can be seen in the picture above.   おいしそうね。:)

The dish is quite tasty but it's perhaps too rich for me, now that i'm under doctor's orders to lose weight. :) But what i really like about this dish is how much it reminds me of my mum's cooking.  When i was a child, my mum liked to make this mushroom filled pastry thing every once in a while.  It doesn't look quite as fancy or as large as the Bakerzin's puff but my mum's mushroom puff snack was a firm favourite in the house. I LOVED it and always looked forward to the next time she would make it.  Mum's mushroom puff didn't have all that seafood but the creamy sauce that filled that puff was no less luxurious and no less delicious.

These days, mum no longer makes those puffs. None of us in the house should be eating them anyway.  So it's perfect that Bakerzin has them now because anytime that i need something comforting or whenever i feel nostalgic, i just need to head down to the nearest Bakerzin and order that Seafood Puff. :) 


YTSL said...

Hi "just me" --

Can you lose weight not so much by eating less enjoyable foods and exercising more instead? Hope so -- as that's how I go about doing it since I love my good food too much to willingly give it up! ;D

just me said...


Hi hi, yeah, I suppose I could try and exercise more. I do play table tennis quite often now but haven't been swimming much cuz the weather's been so unpredictable lately.

I have a horribly low metabolism rate so I put on weight easily. :( But considering that it's been years and years since I've been ordered to lose weight and haven't managed more than a few kg... hahahaha... I think I'm too much in love with good food to remember what my doctor says to me. :D It's a lost cause for the most part. :)
