
Tread softly, because you tread on my dreams. - Yeats

UPDATED: Tong Yao Film & TV guide 18th Dec 2024 / Sun Li Film & TV guide 13th May 2024

Thursday, August 27, 2020

So I went a little crazy. Haha! #camera #film

Lately, I've gone on a bit of a camera buying spree. 😅  I bought five cameras in total. 😅

Lucky, none of them were particularly expensive because I got most of them at really good prices off Carousell. I might end up selling one of them in the future but we'll see.

Lately, I've fallen back in love with film photography, in particular plastic cameras and Lomo.  So I  wanted to get a Holga that shoots 35mm film because I already have one that shoots 120mm.  I actually made a deal for a Holga 135 but realised that actually I got a little confused and made the deal for the wrong Holga.  I actually wanted the Holga 135bc because it has more vignetting which is part of the reason why those who shoot on Holgas shoot on Holgas anyway.  But I didn't want to break a deal because of my own mistake so I bought both cameras in the end.

I actually don't know if the Holga 135 works because I haven't ran a roll through yet.  Unfortunately, it didn't come with a lens cap so I'm also a little hesitant to just throw it in my bag.  So after I finish the first roll in the Holga 135bc I'll swap the lens cap and run a roll through the 135 just to see if it works fine.

Meanwhile, I also got the Holga WPC Panoramic Pinhole because I've been wanting to get into long exposure photography and pinhole photography is one form of it.  Some day, next time I hope to explore long exposure photography using neutral density filters.  But for now, I'm more interested in pinhole photography.  I need to get some 120mm film first though.  But I may run some expired 120mm film through it first just because I have it.  Only think is this film is probably more than 10 years over due and was not stored in the fridge.  So I'm a little worried it may not work great.  The good thing about it is that it's black and white film which would fare better than colour film.

I picked up the Lomo LC-A because I broke mine. 😢

I was a little too rough with it and broke the film rewind crank.  This made me soooooooooo sad.  I've had this Lomo for years.  I picked it up when I was still living in the US and bought it off ebay.  I used it numerous times and it was my primary camera to use for cross processing.  My Lomo LC-A was one of those that was made in Russia too not like the newer LC-A's which were made in China.  I didn't know if this can be fixed but it made me so sad that when I saw that someone wanted to sell their LC-A real quick, I made a somewhat impulsive decision to buy it.  

Although, this camera wasn't in perfect condition and it's not one of those that were made in Russia, I was still happy to pick it up because it filled the empty hole in my heart that was left by the "lost" of my beloved LC-A.  If I find a way to fix it, then maybe I will sell this LC-A that I just picked up.  I still have to run one roll through the one I just picked up just to make sure it works fine.  But it was really very cheap for a used Lomo LC-A so it was hard to resist.  Let's hope I didn't get conned. 😅

The last camera that I picked up was a Olympus XA2 which is supposed to be a pretty good compact film camera which is particularly good for street photography.  I like street photography and it was a good price so I succumbed.  😅 There are some possible problems with it, as in the lens isn't particularly clean which is part of the reason why it was priced cheaper than it usually is on second hand sites.  I bought batteries today and loaded an expired roll of Ilford HP5 in it.  I'll just be randomly shooting stuff for the next week or so so before I take everything to the lab to be developed.  I'll only be able to see then if the particles in the lens is a big problem for me or not.  The good thing about it is that the seller was very honest and priced it with those imperfections in mind.  So I'm okay with taking a chance on it.

Well, I'm going to have to stop buying cameras for now, no matter how cheap they are.  I'll need to reserve the monthly budget on the purchase and development cost of 35mm and 120mm film rolls.  Okay, I'm off to scan more negatives and work on a photo or two more tonight. 😀 

Meanwhile, check out my latest photo on IG. 😀

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California coast, Highway 1, circa 1999-2000, Kodak film, Plastic Camera . Here's another photo from the roll of film I forgot about and only just got developed. 😅 The colors have gone all funky but the black and white version does look kinda cool. 😁 . #shoot_all_the_time #bnw #35mmfilm #bnw_zone #film #Kodak #plasticcamera #expiredfilm #sgphotographer #streetphotography #bnw_captures #bnw_addicted #bnw_of_our_world #bnw_drama #blacknwhite_perfection #explore_bnw @addicted_to_bnw #analogphotography #filmphotography #bnw_awards #bnw_raw #insta_bnw #big_shotz_bw #bnw_epic #photowall_bw #filmisnotdead #we_believe_in_black #SPiCollective #analoguephotography #bw_addiction #noir_vision

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YTSL said...

Good to see you blogging again. Have you missed to the USA? If so, missed that piece of news!

just me said...

HEY!!!! Happy to hear from you. :) Yes, am blogging again. :) No, I'm still in Singapore but am posting up photos from my days in the US. I shot lots of photos and many of them are still only on negatives. Some of the negatives, especially the color ones, are deteriorating, so I decided to start scanning and fixing them up and since I was doing that, I started posting about them too. :)