
Tread softly, because you tread on my dreams. - Yeats

UPDATED: Tong Yao Film & TV guide 18th Dec 2024 / Sun Li Film & TV guide 13th May 2024

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Round and Round We Go

Its been ages since I've blogged but I'm finally back again.  This isn't the first time I've stopped and started again.  Things happen and life gets in the way. :)

There were many reasons why I stopped blogging for such a long time.  Mainly it was because I started a new job back then which was soooooooooooooooo ridiculously busy and draining that it finally made me reassess everything about my life and I made some very important decisions.  

Now, I earn a lot less but am a lot happier and healthier.  I also have time for the things I find more important in life.  So, even if there was no Covid19, my annual multiple trips to Japan would have had to stop.  Perhaps, it was a bittersweet sort of blessing that Kalafina broke up and one of the main reasons for my continued obsession with multiple annual trips to Japan was removed from my life.  It make it easier for me to transition to a simpler life.  While Kajiura Yuki is still active and all the utahimes of Kalafina are back with solo careers, I don't think I'll be returning to those days again.  I no longer wish to work the way I used to to finance that way of living any more. :)

Recently, I've returned to one of my old loves; an old love that never left but that I've neglected for a long time. I'm back shooting photos and "printing" them again.  While I used to spend hours and hours in the darkroom, I now spend most of it shooting and working on them in Lightroom and Photoshop.  While I loved developing and printing film in the darkroom, it's too expensive for me to do it these days because  the cost of doing anything on film is more expensive that it was previously because demand isn't as high as it used to be.  While I could shoot exclusively with digital cameras and mobile phones but I'm still partially old school and I still love shooting on film and I still love my plastic cameras.

I've been spending my spare time scanning my old negatives and working on them using Lightroom and Photoshop.  I've also just began shooting on film on my plastic cameras again.  I actually bought two used Holga online and a new pinhole Holga too and plan to put aside a monthly budget to buy film and get them developed at a shop.  To save money, I plan on just asking for processing only, so no scans or prints needed.  I'll do that on my own.

While my original intention when I started this blog was to post my school work and track the progress, I ended up posting a lot more of my travel photos before I transition to a few reviews on drama series and then a lot of posts about music, unboxings and Japan.  So round and round we go again.  I'm back with my photos again. :)

shoot_all_the_time IG

I've actually been posting most of my photos on my photography Instagram account.  But sometimes I do want to talk a bit more about these photos and IG isn't really the best place to do it.  So I think I'll probably still post most often on IG, I'll probably still write on the blog about some of these photos.

Also, I've recently returned to watching a lot more TVB these days.  It's mostly because its hard to watch Japanese dramas and anime while I work and while I work on my own projects too.  And since I understand Cantonese a lot better than I do Japanese and also because, in general, TVB requires less careful attention; it just made watching TVB again a natural choice.  The other reason is because TVB has finally done what I said they should have done years ago.  They have finally setup a streaming service.  The monthly subscription is very reasonable too.  It makes TVB an easy and affordable option for casual entertainment for me.  As a result, I've grown more familiar with their new crop of actors and if I feel like it I might start writing reviews again.

Anyway, that's it for now.  I'm off to scan some more of my old negatives. 

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