
Tread softly, because you tread on my dreams. - Yeats

UPDATED: Tong Yao Film & TV guide 18th Dec 2024 / Sun Li Film & TV guide 13th May 2024

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Kalafina 4th Album ~ Consolation (just announced!!) :)

OH MY GOD!!!!  Kalafina has just announced that they will be releasing their 4th original album titled Consolation in March this year.  Things just keep getting better and better for us Kajiura Yuki and Kalafina fans!!! :)

The album is scheduled for a 20th Mar release and a whole slew of concerts as well as an appearance at the Chicago Anime Centre in May.

This is awesome news!!

So far the confirmed tracks on the CD are "to the beginning", "moonfesta" and "hikari furu".  There will be 2 Limited edition versions, one will come with the DVD and the other with the BD.  So we're probably looking at the usual 3 version release.  One RE, one LE+DVD and one LE+BD.

The DVD / BD will contain video footage of the trio's experience at AnimagiC in Germany last year as well as a video clip (probably the PV) of the new Historia documentary's end theme, "Land of Dreams" (
夢の大地).  In addition to that, the LE will also come with a deluxe photo book.

 There will also be a Special 1 day Live to celebrate the release of this album.  It'll be the same as the "After Eden" special live and this live will take place at the Tokyo Dome City Hall.  I really liked this location.  This live will be on the 6th of April.

After the special, the trio will also go on a Japan wide tour which will include concert hall versions and live hall versions.

Here are the details of the lives:

Kalafina “Consolation” Special LIVE 2013

Kalafina LIVE TOUR 2013 “Consolation” HALL ver.
6月8日(土)・9日(日) 東京・中野サンプラザ
7月27日(土) 富山・高岡市民会館
8月3日(土) 大阪・大阪国際会議場(グランキューブ大阪)

Kalafina LIVE TOUR 2013 “Consolation” LIVE HOUSE ver.
6月22日(土)・23日(日) 名古屋・THE BOTOM LINE NAGOYA
6月29日(土)・30日(日) 福岡・DRUM LOGOS
7月4日(木) 東京・AKASAKA BLITZ
7月13日(土) 仙台・Rensa
7月15日(月・祝) 札幌・PENNY LANE24
7月20日(土)・21日(日) 広島・HIROSHIMA CLUB QUATTRO
7月28日(日) 新潟・NIIGATA LOTS

Sigh... too bad I don't see Singapore in there.  I'll have to figure out a way to earn even more money so that I can see either Kalafina or Kajiura Yuki's Lives soon.... so broke from last year... but I don't regret a thing. :)

K... gotta go... I have other stuff I need to do and it's past midnight!!! Yikes.... bye!!!! :)

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