
Tread softly, because you tread on my dreams. - Yeats

UPDATED: Tong Yao Film & TV guide 30th Mar 2025 / Sun Li Film & TV guide 13th May 2024

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Maya - I got hit

I think I kinda messed up the animation on this assignment. I can't seem to get the walk cycle right. Going to have to work on that more but now am too busy with work and assignment 5 to mess with this.

Also, I think I misunderstood the instructions so Shot2 has no audio. Will have to work on that.

Anyway, here's a look at what I ended up handing in.

Shot 1

Shot 2


Thursday, August 17, 2006

Beautiful Cooking - Episode 11

Check out this ep of Beautiful Cooking. Hilarious. =)

Ada Choi, Rain Li and some HK actress/singer?? called Kary compete in this good natured and light hearted cooking programe. The show is hosted by Edmond Leung, Alex Fong Lik Sun and Ronald Cheng I think. I'm not sure if Ronald Cheng is a host because this is the only ep of Beautfiful Cooking I've seen and he was sick even though he did participate. The judges for this episode is this guy called Justin (not sure who he is), Leo Ku and Roger Kwok.


Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Maya - car complete w/textures New

Crashed out last night and got absolutely nothing done. =( Ah well, tweaked the model and the lighting just now so it'll look better. Here, take a look.

Now off to work hard on the other stuff.


Monday, August 14, 2006

Maya - car complete w/tex... thots

Ahhhh.... now that the euphoria =) of getting the car complete is gone, I have had some time to step back and evaluate my work. There are definite problems with the car. The front looks kind of empty and after further and closer observation of cars on the road today, I concluded that I should have included grills to fill out that empty space in the front. I might just go and do that later tonight and hope it doesn't mess with my textures.

Hmmmm.... I did look at a couple of pictures of cars just to see what I should be doing, but perhaps a better strategy was to actually copy one of those designs kinda sorta. I think I'll do that next time before I try and be adventurous.

Also, the side of the car looks kinda wierd now that the light is hitting it full on. Definite problems there. I think I probably have the lines lined up wrong and will have to fix that cuz it looks kinda ugly that way.

Okie dokie, definitely got my work cut out for me. I'm off to have some din din and coffee. =)


Maya - car complete w/textures

Man.... this really took a long time and a lot of patience. But I think I learnt a lot about modeling and UV textures. I made tons of mistakes and it look me a long time to get the car to this point. But I think it looks kinda okay now so am rather happy. =)

Here it is, take a look.


Saturday, August 12, 2006

Maya - car model complete

Ok, here is my completed model of the car. Now just need to work on the textures. Still got lots of work to do. Here is the perspective, front and side views. Click on the thumbnails for a better view.


Maya - car

Been working on this model of the car for like FOREVER. But I think I got it to a point where I'm cool with it. I know it isn't perfect but it's about as good as I can make it now.

Anyway, here are some stills of it.


perspective, side and top views:

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Maya - model of a boy

Hi... been busy modeling a boy for use in a later aninmation. Was suppose to model a car too but I didn't like my current car so I scrapped it and started all over. So basically, my car right now is a cube, so nothing to show there.

But here are 3 pix of the boy from different angles. I've not gotten the texture all done yet, so as you can see still no eyes and mouth. Will work on that when I have time.

I also smoothed the polygons before I made the jpegs so that the model look will look nicer.

Right... here you go... then I'm off to bed too. =)


Perspective, Side and Front views:
(click on thumbnail for bigger pix)

Tuesday, August 01, 2006


Right... recently I asked a friend who has just returned from a trip to Thailand to get me some durian snacks while she was there. And even though I tried my darnest to describe it to her, she still got me the wrong thing.

So this is for you Fat Aud. Next time get me THESE.... =D

(click on pix for a closer look)

Bag - Front:

Bag - back, CU:

Close-up 1:

Close-up 2:

Show me the Durians, Fat Aud. =D

Kidding... thanks for the durian chips. =)
