
Tread softly, because you tread on my dreams. - Yeats

UPDATED: Tong Yao Film & TV guide 18th Dec 2024 / Sun Li Film & TV guide 13th May 2024

Friday, July 08, 2016

Kalafina ~ blaze (Aslan Senki S2 ED) - jacket cover art

Oh silly me!! Of course the cover art for Kalafina's blaze has been released. It's in the artwork on their webpage. I wasn't thinking when I wrote up the previous post. :P I like the covers. They look cool!! :) Here you go....

Regular Edition

CD+DVD (Type A)

CD+BD (TypeB)

Anime & Analog (vinyl) version.  The jacket cover art for these two are the same.  It's likely that the inserts will be different with the vinyl version having one large photo of the trio but we won't get to see that till after the single ships.

Also...... this is quite nice too.  I forgot that they also often change the profile pages on their webpage when they update the site.

These are the promo photos of the trio on the profile page.  They all look very good !! :) (click the thumbnails for a larger image)


There may be larger versions of the jacket cover art out in the near future.  We'll have to wait for the blog post on Kalafina's Line blog to see if there will be bigger versions.

I don't want to beat a dead horse but I do believe in buying these CDs if you can afford it. :)  So here are the CDJapan links again and you are free to use them if you wish or use other links and webstores if you like.

blaze [Regular Edition]

blaze [w/ DVD, Limited Edition/Type A]

blaze [w/ Blu-ray, Limited Edition/Type B]

blaze [w/ DVD, Limited Pressing] (Anime Edition)

blaze [Limited Release] (vinyl)

Okay... I need to go finish up some work I forgot about and then get to bed ASAP!!

Good night!!


VyseLegendaire said...

My vinyl copy shipped from CDJapan. ;)

just me said...

COOL!!! I have just received all my copies. :)

Will do an unboxing post soon!! :)