
Tread softly, because you tread on my dreams. - Yeats

UPDATED: Tong Yao Film & TV guide 30th May 2024 / Sun Li Film & TV guide 13th May 2024

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Take That!!!

Actually, I've not been the best of moods these two days.  Kind of annoyed with all the anger all around me and social media's and the internet's role in promoting unrest and taking intolerance to another level.

I'm a moderate and extremism on either end of the spectrum is extremely distasteful to me.  Unless it's talking a lot and with great passion about the happy things in life and about things that you like etc etc. :D

Yeah, so I posted a slightly bad tempered two word post on Facebook this morning... and NO... it's not the most over used 2 words in the history of mankind. :)  I posted "hates hate".  Yes, I really dislike it that people seem to think that it's okay to hate that idiot in Norway for indiscriminatly killing so many people just cuz he was pissed with the way things are run, BUT yet at the same time, these unhappy people take every opportunity to generalize and write hateful stuff about the "FTs" in Singapore.  I really hate the use of those two letters now and how people use it the same way some racist person uses derogatory words.  This really bugs me, this increase of intolerance in Singapore and how people, even people I like, get carried away by it all and start bashing people every time the opportunity crops up.

If you ask me, I won't be surprise if someday we'll see someone like Anders Behring Breivik in Singapore.  While the Singapore "Breivik" may not be someone who hates muslims (amongst other things), he would be someone like him.  Someone who thrives on hate, someone who is so arrogant as to think of himself as the ONE who will bring about change, someone who's actually not had such a terrible life but who is unwilling and unable to see that they're the lucky ones.  Yeah, he'll be someone like Breivik, he'll hate the government no matter what they do and he'll blame the government, the foreigners and whoever does not agree with him for his own miserable existence.
It didn't help that while looking for news on Kalafina, cuz it usually makes me happy, I find some really annoying blogposts where people bash the separate members of Kalafina.  Wakana's and Hikaru's fans bash Keiko cuz supposedly Keiko's fans started it first.  And now, since Wakana's and Hikaru's fans have been ultra mean to Keiko, Keiko's fans will be meaner to both these singers to even things of.... blah blah blah.  Truth is, I don't know and don't care who started what first.  Since when has tit for tat been a good thing? :( [note to self: stick to youtube / tudou music videos, interviews etc - not much bitchness there]

Yeah... that didn't work... I was at work, doing a training shot, without much knowlege of what the hell I was trying to do, with too little sleep, too much junk food in my system and so much annoyance from idiot friends I feel like unfriend-ing several on FB and NOW... even my usual "kalafina-bring-me-sunshine" method was an epic fail. :(

Good thing there is still Mai Hime.... watching all those fight scenes makes me HAPPY.... hahahaha... I sound like a blood thirsty freak.  But this is a way healthier way to take out one's agression in my opinion.... watch fictional characters beat the crap out of each other... now what could be more emotionally healthier than that. :D

Here... I leave you with Natsuki vs Mikoto from Ep 1.  And may the rest of my day be a peaceful and happy one. :D

ps. And btw, I'm a tyrant... leave any messages in the comments section which I find annoying... I will delete.  This is my blogspot and there is no such thing as free speech here.

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