FINALLLLLLYYYYYY!!!! Here's one of the things all Kalafina fans have been waiting for. The cover art for all versions of this single have been released and I like it. Unlike most of their covers, this time we get tight close ups of the trio. Most of the cover art for thieir singles and albums are wide shots.
Here we go!
Limited Edition A SECL1612~1613
CD+DVD (music video)
Limited Edition B SECL1614~1615
CD+Blu-ray (music video)
Regular Edition SECL1616
CD only
Anime Edition SECL1617~1618
CD+DVD (Fate/Stay Night video clip)
I am so happy that the anime version for Kalafina's single is Tohsaka Rin. :) I really like her loads more than Emiya Shirou. :)
Also, other Kalafina related news. a few days ago Kalafina also released information about the
Kalafina calendar 2015.
The calendar will be released on the 25th Oct. It'll cost 2700 yen and will be LP size, 28 pages and when in use will measure 60cm x 30 cm. The calendar will include photos from their "Kimi no Gin no Niwa" SP live amongst others.
For tokutens. it's postcards again like I suspected they would be because that was what I go last year too. Not all shops will have these tokutens though, so it's best to check. I'm not sure if CDJapan has them but I think they usually do get one postcard to give away. If you get it through the
Fan Club webstore, you'll get two post cards.
Okay.... that should be it from me today.... v v v v v tired.... I actually just got home and couldn't wait to write this up. :P But now I'm really tired.... I'll do one pass to see if there is anything else that I might want to write up real quick before I sleep. But I doubt if they'll be anything that pressing... so for now... good night. :)