
Tread softly, because you tread on my dreams. - Yeats

UPDATED: Tong Yao Film & TV guide 18th Dec 2024 / Sun Li Film & TV guide 13th May 2024

Saturday, November 04, 2006

recent updates...

I've made quite a bit of progress on my final project for my Maya course. But sadly, I've not really had the time to update the blog as I'm simply too busy to do it. But when I have time to, I will hopefully be able to upload the final picture of Set 1 and the 3 characters I've created so far. I still have Set 2 and animation and have a 20th Nov dateline. So I really am quite pressed for time.

Got bulldozed into doing some additional work at work next week and am really not terribly happy about it, nor am I looking forward to more work preventing me from finishing up my Maya project. But the marshmallow in me made it difficult for me to refuse to do this favour for people I consider my friends.... sigh.... I need to be nastier. :)

Lately, I've managed to watch some TVB series as I worked on my projects. Have finished Face to Fate, Maiden's Vow and Love Guaranteed. Of the three, I would say that Maiden's Vow was the worst and most over-hyped of the lot. It began with a nice concept but the script was terrible and it couldn't seem to decide how to tie 4 generations of a single family properly. In the end, it ended up being a superficial link, that is, they are 4 generations of a family, that is their link... yeah... whatever. Face to Fate turned out to be the most enjoyable of the three. While the series didn't exactly boast a very unsual storyline, the execution, the development, the performances all came together to form a very nice whole.

Anyway, that's it form me for now. I have to dash in a bit and need to get ready to leave. :)

ta ta

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