Photos, Music, Anime, Films, TV Dramas, Kajiura Yuki, Kalafina, Sun Li, 孙俪, Tong Yao, 童瑶, etc
Saturday, March 30, 2019
test 2
For some reason isn't posting a photo to twitter from blogger. I'm trying to figure out why my review of #SunLi #HappinessAsFlowers #幸福像花儿一样 isn't posting with a photo. :(
Friday, March 29, 2019
Review ~ Happiness as Flowers (2005) #幸福像花儿一样 (#孙俪 #SunLi)
This is the first time real life couple #SunLi (#孫儷) and #DengChao (#邓超) have worked together. When they made this drama, they were only a reel life couple and only became a real life couple some time after this series and before the 2008 series Tian Mi Mi (甜蜜蜜).
I actually finished most of this review in Dec 2018 and hoped to publish it before the year turned because last year happened to be the 30th anniversary of China's Reform and Opening Up which would be kind of fitting since this series has something to do with it. However, lots and lots of things got in the way and, in the end, I can only call this just one of many missed opportunities.
This is part of my ongoing effort to watch all of Sun Li's work and honestly, when I first decided to try this series, I was a little worried that it might be a difficult watch. I don't particularly like idol type dramas, nor do l like generic sappy love stories that are designed to draw as many tears out of the viewer as possible. As I was under the impression that this was a generic teary romance, I approached the series with a little caution. However, it turned out to be a surprisingly interesting series, albeit with some caveats.