
Friday, July 08, 2016

Kalafina ~ blaze (Aslan Senki S2 ED) - jacket cover art

Oh silly me!! Of course the cover art for Kalafina's blaze has been released. It's in the artwork on their webpage. I wasn't thinking when I wrote up the previous post. :P I like the covers. They look cool!! :) Here you go....

Regular Edition

Kalafina ~ blaze (Arslan Senki S2 ED) - tokuten & other info

Kalafina has released information on the postcard tokutens that they will be giving out with pre-orders of "blaze" and they look very cool to me.  It's a similar image to the one for "One Light" but I'm not complaining because I like this new badass image more. :P

I like the one above the most.  That's the one from Animate. Generally speaking, I tend to like the Animate ones the most. :)

I wanted to link an embedded image from the LINE blog but their script is clashing with blogspot.  So I can't do that anymore.  So I guess I'll do it the old fashion way and grab the images from their blog and credit them with a link back.